Cookie Policy

Like many web sites, we may collect some information provided by your browser as you use this site. This is used to give statistical information about user visits, e.g. how many visits we receive, which pages are most popular (or never read), browsers used (so we can decide when to stop supporting older versions of browsers), and various other information. This information is collected and analysed using a variety of means, including server logs and Google Analytics.

We use a limited number of cookies to collect non-personal anonymised information about your use of this site. Cookies are small text files from a website that are kept on your computer.

Use of this site implies your acceptance of these cookies.

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We do not accept third party advertising, which is the main source of third party cookies (and which can track visitors, albeit anonymously, across multiple websites).

External Sites

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Privacy Policy March 2022

Download PDF version of this policy (921KB).

Who we are

The Christian Walking Club (CWC) is for people who enjoy walking and share the Christian faith. We are a national club with a programme of weekend and week events during the year throughout the UK and sometimes abroad. This policy sets out how we use your data and your rights with regard to how we use it.

Membership Data

What data we collect on the Membership Form:
Your Name, Address, Telephone number, Mobile telephone number, Email address, Year of birth, Full membership with Statement of Faith or Associate membership.

How we use it

  • Administering your membership. Your year of birth ensures that you are 18 years old or over and also helps us to review our membership profile.
  • Facilitating voting activities within the club in accordance with the club's constitution.
  • To send you news and upcoming events within the club, via email and / or post.
  • Your name will be sent to Event Teams and Event leaders if you are on the approved or provisional walk leader list, you have volunteered to lead worship or use your musical skills in club worship, or offered to lead an event.

Event Participation Data

What data we collect on event participants on the event booking form (whether entered electronically on the Corsizio booking system or on a paper form):

  • Your Name, Address, Telephone number.
  • Mobile telephone number (if you have one).
  • Email address (if you have one).
  • Name of an emergency contact person and their address and telephone number.
  • Payment amount.

How we use it

  • As part of incident response activities, for example, if we need to contact your nominated emergency contact.
  • Administering the event.
  • Giving your name on room allocations to the venue e.g. YHA.
  • Organising transport if you have requested a lift.
  • Safety planning for the event.
  • The club committee reviews the event reports for details of any incidents, feedback on the potential walk leaders, to identify any improvements for future events and continue to make the events as safe as possible.
  • Our event leaders and / or walk leaders may also record in event reports named individuals and information about them such as any injuries in relation to incidents or any notable occurrences.
  • The first name and surname of any guest is used to monitor guest attendances at club events. The club allows such attendance in order to ‘try out’ the club, limiting the extent of such attendance per guest. From time to time, these limits may also be relevant to the club’s liability insurance policy.

Photographs and Promotional Material on the Club Website and Social Media

We may take photographs at club events and these may be included in promotional material such as on the club's website, or on the club social media pages. By participating in our events, you are agreeing to your image being used for such purposes, unless you contact us to the contrary. The club encourages members to use the private CWC Facebook group and takes no responsibility for photographs posted by members on other social media pages.

Sharing your data

We only use your data for the purposes stated above and we do not share your data with any third parties other than to provide our service to you. This may include:

  • Use of Corsizio for online booking. Note that For Event booking, the event leader's details are provided in a members-only section of the club website and not via Corsizio.
  • Membership Data: This includes Personal data shared with the committee, enquiries, and event teams.
  • Event Participation Data: This includes Personal data shared with an event leader, the treasury team, the online booking team and the events statistician.
  • Providing information to emergency services and/or our insurance provider in the event of an incident occurring during a walk/event.
  • Use of the MailChimp service or other means to send you news and other information about the club and our events by email.
  • The CWC secretary or another nominated club member who posts out paper copies to members without electronic communications on behalf of the club.
  • Sharing with venues the names of event participants where room allocation is required.

Secure Storage and Transfer of Data Within the Club

Members personal data from their membership form will be stored in encrypted, password protected files by the Membership Secretary and periodically backed up to an alternative secure location.

Event Booking Forms and files of data extracted from the booking form will be stored securely. These will be destroyed after the event. The Booking process is now online using Corsizio

Personal data will only be shared, and stored securely, with other committee members or Event Teams when required for a specific task and limited to the data required to perform that task.

Membership Data: This includes Personal data shared with the committee, enquiries, and event teams.

Event Participation Data: This includes Personal data shared with an event leader, the treasury team, the online booking team and the events statistician.

Emails to club members should be sent BCC so that members are not given unnecessary, unconsented access to other members' email addresses.

Dropbox now being used for storing password protected members data.

Zoom is now being used for online meetings, some meetings such as the AGM are recorded on a cloud server and on a local computer. This can include names and email addresses.

Data Retention

How long will we keep your data for?

We will hold your data on our Membership Database for three years from when your membership lapses. We will hold your Event Participation data until the purposes stated above are completed. We will hold names of guests attending events for three years from the date of the last such attendance, for the purpose described above.

Your right to access your data

If you would like to see a copy of the personal data that we hold on you, please contact us. In compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation we will need the request to be provided in writing and to see photographic Identity and proof of address in order to confirm your identity before we can share the data with you.

Data Corrections

If any of your personal data held by us is incorrect or out of date, please contact us so that we can correct your data.

Deleting your data

If you would like to request that we delete your data from our records, please contact us and we will do so providing there is no legal or contractual obligation for us to keep it. For example, Membership data must include name and address.


The Corsizio policies are at and their following links Our Privacy Statement

Our Data Processing Addendum, which takes into account the GDPR

Google Cloud Platform's Approach to the GDPR is the service Corsizio uses to run our servers and store all of our data securely

Stripe's Approach to the GDPR is the service Corsizio uses to facilitate all online payments on our platform at

SendGrid's Approach to the GDPR is the service Corsizio uses to send out all communications, like emails, memos, and event notifications to you and your attendees at

MailChimp has provided on its website a GDPR guide for organisations using their services

MailChimp also offers an updated Data Processing Agreement for its clients

The Dropbox privacy policy is at:

The Zoom GDPR policy is at